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Sjoerd Kluiving

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ESR 4. : Alexandre Martinez 

    Project Coordinator TERRANOVA
  WP leader:   WP6 –  Managing and      coordinating

Sjoerd Kluiving (1963) studied Physical Geography and Geology at the University of Amsterdam and University of Alabama (U.S.A).

As a geologist and physical geographer involved in applying earth sciences to archeology in interdisciplinary research and teaching, with emphasis on the Anthropocene. Project management in (field-based) evaluation of archeological monuments, extensive teaching and research experience and initiator and project manager of involving cultural history in planning processes. Sjoerd co-leads the newly established Environmental Humanities Center at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 

Ruud van Ooijen

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Project Manager TERRANOVA


Ruud van Ooijen is project controller and EU project manager at the VUA since September 2017.He has a financial and legal background. Currently, he is involved as a project manager in the H2020 projects TERRANOVA; HERILAND, NEWCOMERS and STRENGTHS. Prior to working at the VU, he worked for almost 6 years as grant officer at the Radboud University in Nijmegen (the Netherlands). As grant officer he supported several large-scale coordination projects and was responsible for all financial, legal and administrative tasks from the process of application until the final reporting. Previously, he worked as a legal counsel for the Dutch government, more specifically for the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO, then SenterNovem), ICTU and TNO.


R. van Balen

Ronald van Balen

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ESR 7. : Anhelina Zapolska

WP leader: WP3 – Rethinking human-environment interaction

Ronald van Balen (1964) is professor of Quaternary geology and Geomorphology at Vrije Universiteit Amstedam. He is also senior researcher at TNO-Geological Survey of the Netherlands.

Ronald studied geology at the University of Amsterdam. He defended his PhD thesis on the Pannonian Basin in 1995. After his second postdoc position, on neotectonics and landscape evolution in the southern Netherlands and adjoining areas, he became exploration geologist at TNO-Geological Survey of the Netherlands. Starting from 2000 he rejoined Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, first as assistant professor in Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology. In 2013 he became endowed professor on behalf of TNO, and later on full professor. (2018). He has been involved with the FLuvial Archives Group, and he is a member of CLUE+. He is involved with projects on geoarcheology, hydrogeology, and impacts of tectonics and climate on fluvial systems, paleoseismology. Currently he is groupleader and department head.

Peter Verburg

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ESR 10. : Antonia Matthies

ESR 14 : Catherine Fayet

WP Co-leader: WP3 – Rethinking human-environment interaction

Peter Verburg is professor Environmental Spatial Analysis and leads the Environmental Geography group that is part of the Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam.

Peter is named a Highly Cited Researcher for 2018 that ranks in the top 1% by citations in Web of Science. Peter has established a leading position in the field of land use analysis and modelling. He has developed and applied a wide range of methods to analyze spatial patterns of land use at scales from local to global. Methods used in his research originate from different disciplines, including social sciences (interviews, participatory workshops, multi-level statistics, foresight and scenario studies), econometrics (efficiency analysis, spatial econometrics), geography (accessibility analysis, spatial modelling, remote sensing) and earth sciences (biogeochemical modelling).

jan kolen

Jan Kolen

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Jan kolen is Dean of the Faculty of Archaeology and Professor of the History and Heritage of European Cultural Landscapes.

Professor Jan (J.C.A.) Kolen (1962) studied Archaeology at Leiden University. After graduating, he worked for the RAAP Foundation at the University of Amsterdam and the NWO Pioneer Project ‘Changing view of Ice Age foragers’ (Leiden University). In 2005, he obtained his PhD (cum laude) with his dissertation on the ‘Biography of the Landscape’, a new approach to landscape history. Since 2000 he has been affiliated to the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, initially as a lecturer, then as Belvedere Professor of Heritage of Town and Country, and since 2009 as Professor of the History and Heritage of European Cultural Landscapes. In addition, Jan Kolen was Director of the CLUE Interfaculty Research Institute (Heritage and History of the Cultural Landscape and Urban Environment). Since 2013 he is Professor in Landscape Archaeology and Cultural Heritage at Leiden University and he is director at the Centre for Global Heritage and Development from Leiden University, the Technical University of Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Fulco Scherjon

Fulco Scherjon

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I was originally trained as a computer scientist and information analyst at Delft University (Msc). I obtained my research MA (Archaeology, Human Origins) in 2013 modelling pathways into Europe for early modern humans. I completed my PhD research in 2019 on simulating Neanderthal distribution in western Europe. 

With this multi-disciplinary background I am collaborate with other researchers adding digital skills to a wide range of projects detailing the deep past.

Wil Roebroeks

Wil Roebroeks

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Wil Roebroeks is Professor of Palaeolithic Archaeology at Leiden University (PhD 1989).

My research has a heavy emphasis on the archaeology of Neanderthals and other (earlier) Eurasian hominins and I have published widely on various aspects of the behaviour of early hominins, including their subsistence strategies, lithic technologies and the environmental settings of their presence and absence in Eurasia.


Henrique Pereira

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ESR 11 : Rowan Dunn-Capper
ESR 13 : Laura C. Quintero Uribe

ESR 12 : Josiane Segar

WP leader: WP4 – Designing landscape management and tools for policy

Prof. Dr. Henrique is a Ecologist. Pereira has supervised or co-supervised 10 Master students and 10 PhD students. He has been in the Coordination Team of the PhD Program in Biodiversity (University of Porto / University of Lisbon, 2008-2009) and on the Core Team of the PhD Program in Biology and Ecology of Climate Change (University of Aveiro/University of Lisbon, 2014-2015). He has taught classes at the bachelor, master and PhD level including: Biodiversity Conservation, Global Biodiversity Change, Theoretical Ecology, Remote Sensing and GIS, Land planning and management.

He has participated as a WP leader in the FP7 Project DESIRE. as participant in the H2020 Pathways Project, and coordinated two research projects funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology: MoBia (193 k€), AbaFoBio (167 k€).


Nestor Fernandez

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ESR 12 : Josiane Segar
ESR 13 : Laura C. Quintero Uribe

WP Co-leader: WP4 – Designing landscape management and tools for policy

Néstor Fernández is a conservation biologist and a research scientist at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv). He is generally interested in understanding how landscape changes and other anthropogenic drivers affect populations and habitats of wildlife species, patterns in biodiversity distribution and the functional dynamics of ecosystems. He is also committed to developing tools and frameworks for promoting the implementation of science-based biodiversity policy targets and monitoring protocols.


Karl-Johan Lindholm

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ESR 2 : Kailin Hatlestad
ESR 5 : Emily Vella

WP leader: WP 5 – Communication & Dissemination

My main research interest is to bridge the socio-environmental interface by interdisciplinary research and long-term understandings of landscapes and land-use in agriculturally marginal regions in southern and eastern Africa and in Europe. I apply historical ecology, integrated landscape analysis and critical historical analysis in order to situate current landscape policy in historical contexts with bearing on current approaches to the sustainable management of biocultural heritage and natural resources. An additional interest is the combination of archaeology, rural development and landscape studies aiming for a better understanding of past and present forms of collective action and cooperative natural resource management. I am also engaged in archaeological approaches towards pastoralism and method development for integrated landscape analysis and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).  I convene the departmental research cluster Global Historical Ecology, member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the global research network Integrated History and Future of People on Earth (IHOPE) and editor of the Journal of Archaeology and Ancient History.


Raquel Filgueiras


BENEFICIARY 5. – STICHTING REWILDING EUROPE (RE) / Supervisor till October 16, 2020.

ESR 12 : Josiane Segar


Jens Svenning

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ESR 1 : Elena Pearce
ESR 8 : Marco Davoli

WP leader: WP 2 – Exploring past environments and energy regimes

Jens-Christian Svenning is a macroecologist and biogeographer, with strong interest in plants, animals and people across the world. Alongside basic curiosity about nature, Jens-Christian Svenning is highly motivated to contribute to help overcome the climate and biodiversity crises and promote sustainable societal development. His research includes strong foci on fundamental drivers of biodiversity, climate change impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems, and human-nature interactions from the past to the future, with strong interest in fundamental issues such as disequilibrium dynamics and top-down trophic effects. Key applied research foci include predictive modelling, the application of informatics and space-borne and other remote sensing technology to ecological and sustainability research, human dependence on and benefits from nature, and rewilding as a promising approach to ecosystem restoration. Jens-Christian Svenning is highly committed to ensuring the societal benefits of his research and knowledge, working closely with a range of public and private actors on concrete real-world conservation, restoration and sustainability projects and challenges, as well as doing large amounts of outreach.


Florence Mazier

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ESR 6 : Maria Antonia Serge

WP leader: WP 1 – Training a new generation of ESRs

Dr. Florence Mazie, Palaeoecologist, pollen-vegetation modelling.

Florence Mazier has been involved in two NorFA networks (2001-2005, 2009-2011) on pollen-landscape calibration (POLLANDCAL) and Land cover-climate feedbacks during the Holocene in Europe (LANDCLIM), respectively. She has coordinated one work package in the project Mode-RESPYR (funded by the French National Research Agency 2010-2014 on past land-cover and landscape-trajectories. She has also organised two training courses on pollen modelling in 2009 (Lund, Sweden) and 2016 (Toulouse, France, that hosted 50 participants (Master, PhD students Postdocs, early and confirmed researchers from 20 countries.


Thomas Houet

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Thomas Houet is a senior scientist at the National Center of Scientific research in France. He holds a PhD and Habilitation theses in Geography. His work focuses on land change science with an expertise in remote sensing, land change modelling and participatory scenarios. He has worked on various geographical contexts such as agricultural intensification, urbanization and mountain land abandonment and their related environmental issues.


Chantal van Ham


Chantal van Ham is the EU Programme Manager Nature Based Solutions in the IUCN European Regional Office. She is responsible for IUCNs activities on urban biodiversity and the cooperation with subnational governments in Europe. She develops and coordinates projects for biodiversity and ecosystems services conservation, restoration and valuation that help policy-makers, cities, local and regional governments find nature-based solutions for sustainable development, by mobilising IUCN knowledge and best practices. She represents IUCN in networks and fora at the European and global level to raise awareness of the value of nature-based solutions for improving quality of life, as well as economic prosperity. Chantal holds a Master’s Degree in International Business and a MSc in Forest and Nature Conservation Policy. Before joining IUCN she worked as Finance Specialist with PriceWaterhouseCoopers in the Netherlands.


Hans Renssen

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Prof. Hans Renssen  is an expert in modelling and reconstruction of past climates. He has supervised 10 PhD students on this topic and has participated in several international PhD training programmes, including ITN-CASE. Renssen contributes to the training program during network-wide TAFS events, and is in the Supervisory Board. 

Currently, Renssen is PI in a research project focused on the Younger Dryas climate, funded by the Leverhulme Foundation. It includes 7 international partnes, and is coordinated by the University of Aberdeen, UK. Renssen is also involved in the set-up of the 4th Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP4), an international collaboration of paleoclimate modelling groups and a contribution to the 6th Climate model intercomparison project (CMIP) of the World Climate Research Programme.