Agricultural Revolution, Transition Energy Regime 1/2
online program
TERRANOVA Academy Field School in full swing despite the lock downs. This week, we’re discussing palaeoecology, shifting baselines and Danish nature management
Thematic courses: Landscape Archaeology and Historical Ecology
Teacher Marie-José Gaillard-Lemdahl
Teacher Sjoerd Kluiving
Session 1: What landscape histories for a specific energy regime can be summarised for each of the 4 study areas? What can landscape archaeology contribute to reconstruction of human-environment interaction in these areas?
Session 2: What landscape histories for a specific energy regime can be listed for each of the 4 study areas? What can long-term palaeoecology contribute to reconstruction of human-environment interaction in these areas?
Session 3: What landscape histories can be derived from the current knowledge, how would you pose a research question in the interdisciplinary field between landscape archaeology and long-term palaeoecology?
To show you that the EemianInterglacial properis not necessarily the most optimal period for extreme northern dispersal of Neanderthals despite the climatic amelioration. At least not as a rule.
To question our current understanding of northern Neanderthal boundaries.
To argue that awareness of asynchronicitybetween operational scale and resolution (local-and continental-and temporal scales) are crucial for investigating the biogeography of northern Neanderthals.