Network-wide training: TerraNova Academy Field School (TAFS)
Each TAFS is organised in:
a) 2 -day of Core day conference where all 15 ESR projects will be presented and discussed,
b) 2-day Intensive training programme focused on promoting interdisciplinary, intersectoral, and transdisciplinary understanding, with strong contributions of non-academic partners and external experts, and
c) 2-day Field based study programme organised by the local partners of the TAFS meeting.
TAFS meetings are thematically based on the four landscape energy regimes (ER) and their three transitions, starting with ‘Hunter/Gatherers’ in TAFS I and finishing with the future ‘Low-carbon society’ in TAFS VII. At each of the seven TAFS meetings, ESRs will learn to reconstruct the landscape histories and legacies, to rethink the balance between nature and culture, and to discuss future landscapes with respect to the particular energy regime phase or transition phase in focus.
TAFS are hosted by the laboratory areas most relevant to the thematic ER of that week. Our partners ELO and IUCN (with an extended European network in sustainable development, environmental conservation and protection, renewable energies and responsible use of natural resources) will host the 6th TAFS with the theme Green Transition in Brussels.