Design landscape management strategies, i) provide scientific guidance on threats and opportunities for natural +cultural values of Europe’s landscapes, ii) define criteria for assisted restoration of ecosystems of former (abandoned) agricultural areas, and iii) to generate future scenarios for cultural landscape change, with integrated landscape, cultural heritage and biodiversity models, to inform current planning initiatives, e.g.
for the transition to a low-carbon society.
State or the art
European land management require scientifically constituted guidelines that are able to integrate knowledge from the humanities and the natural and social sciences, as well as ability to promote cross-sectorial cooperation, involving land managers, policy makers, SMEs and the public.
Progress beyond State of the Art
European land managers will acquire a tool box for socially and environmentally sustainable landscape management aiming at energy transitions. The tool box is
based on landscape bottom-up solutions appreciating historical and ecological integrity, i.e. the physical, social, and cultural characteristics of local and regional landscapes.