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<    PhD project – ESR 4    >

Alexandre Martinez

Balancing nature and culture in Southwest European landscape evolution and integrated legacies.



MSc Geoarchaeology (magna cum laud) (Dijon, France) 2017.

BSc Environment and Earth Sciences (magna cum laud) (Dijon, France) 2015.

BSc Energy Technics and Renewable Energies (cum laud(Poitiers, France) 2012.

Host University: Vrije University (VU), Netherlands.

Primary Supervisor: Sjoerd Kluiving

Country of Origin: France

Languages: French, English

About Me

My name is Alexandre Martinez, and I am 29 years old. I am French but my family comes from Spain, and I married my wife from Vietnam two years ago, so I experience a transnational culture every day. I spend my free time reading philosophical science fiction books, but I also like writing short novels, and while I’m not the best cook, I do know how to enjoy good food!

I am a geoarchaeologist with a strong interest in the transition to a low carbon society. In fact, I have both technical education in renewable energies, and environmental and archaeological education from University. During my Master degree, I conducted geoarchaeological excavations in the ancient canals of Angkor (Cambodia) and I organised a substantial GIS database about environmental and archaeological data. After my Master thesis, I came back to France and I worked as a full-time project manager, while still being a GIS operator during my free time, improving the Cambodian geoarchaeological database with new data from Vietnam.

As a PhD researcher and part of the TerraNova programme, I will study the Human impact on the environment during the Holocene in Northwest Spain and Portugal, and more precisely through the different energy regimes and their transitions. My work will consist mainly in data mining and in the elaboration of a GIS database to organise all the already existent knowledge, and to make it more accessible for my PhD colleagues. During the three years of my PhD, I will work at the Vrije University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, but I will also experience secondments in Spain and Portugal to study the local scientific literature. I intend to reach all the expected goals of my PhD subject, and then to become a researcher in the specific field of human impact on its environment, for which I am passionate about.

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