TerraNova’s White Paper II has been published! The title of this second White Paper is “An explorative opinion paper: ‘Why do we need stakeholders’ engagement in knowledge production: TerraNova’s vision on landscape transformation'”
This white paper presents TerraNova’s vision on landscape transformation and stakeholders’ engagement in knowledge production. First, we reflect on the relevance of engaging with stakeholders in research. Second, we present the outcomes of a workshop conducted with practitioners in nature conservation and reflect on the challenges they reported to integrate interdisciplinarity in their practice. We conclude that the inclusion of stakeholders and practitioners at every stage is key to ensure that research outcomes have a societal impact. Strengthening this approach will ensure that TerraNova ESRs’ research outputs are understandable and useful for land managers and decision-makers.
A big thank you to Catherine Fayet, Leen Felix, Laura Quintero Uribe, Roberta Rodrigo, Thomas Houet, Kalle Lindholm, Sjoerd Kluiving, and graphic designer Bert Brouwenstijn for your collaborative efforts on the White Paper and additional thanks to Chantal van Ham, Ruud van Ooijen and Alice Budniok for editing. Download and read it now!