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TerraNova in the New Year

On behalf of TerraNova I’d like to welcome everyone to 2020! All our ESR (early stage researchers aka PhD students) are now settled in their new countries and at their new institution and ready to get to work. Last fall Alexandre Martinez was the first out the gate and presented a poster on his research project at a local conference. The rest of the ESRs aren’t far behind, with numerous collaborative papers in the works. In March we will all be attending our second consortium-wide training network event (TAFS) hosted by Aarhus. The third TAFS will be in Portugal in October. 

The ESRs will be working diligently over the next couple month to get their own projects off the ground. For most, this means starting with a literature review, taking courses, and learning new methods. Anastasia is coordinating a collaborative paper between all the ESRs working with past environments. Over the next couple of month we hope to keep posting updates here on what we are working on. You can also follow us on Twitter or find us on Facebook.

TerraNova ESRs at the first public event in the Netherlands. Photo provided by Elena Pearce.